8th Biennial Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists

Soft Reminder!!! Download

Program Schedule of SAAP-8 Conference Zoom Links of All Sessions

SAAPSouth Asian Association of Physiologists

8th Biennial Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists & 35th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka

11th – 13th November 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka

11th November 2022:Pre-conference workshop on autonomic function testing
12th and 13th November:Main conference
19th November 2022:Post congress workshop on Online Assessment in Pre-clinical sciences jointly organized with the National University of Singapore

Respected Sir/ Madam,

Good Morning.

As per email of Professor Ruhul Amin,for your kind information that from Bangladesh we 11 ( eleven ) presenters are going to participate ( on virtual ) as a speaker. 03 speakers in Bangladesh Session of Symposium, 02 oral presenters and 06 are EPoster presenters ( already done ). This information was declared in the meeting as well as over telephone several times. so Professor Ruhul Amin’s information was wrong ( previous information also). Executive committee of BSP doing all the activities of the Society as usual.

With thanks & regards

Professor Rokeya Begum
President, BSP

Dear All,

I am happy to announce that the SAAP-8 Organizing committee of PSSL has made arrangements for the SAAP Conference to make it a memorable event. Your participation in the inauguration is very much needed for its success. The inauguration will be held on 12th November 2022 (Saturday) from 8.30 to 10.30 am Sri Lankan time.

The SAAP-8 organizing committee is looking forward to meeting you onsite/online. Please join us to experience the Biennial SAAP Conference hosted by PSSL for the 2nd time.The invitation for the Inauguration and Final programme of the Conference are attached herewith.

Please note that the ZOOM link for online participation in the inauguration is included in the Invitation.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Best regards

Mangala Gunatilake
Secretary General/SAAP

3rd webinar organized by the 8th SAAP Conference Publicity Committee

Date: 8th November, 2022 Time: 6.30 pm IST
ZOOM Link:https://learn.zoom.us/j/63170829231?pwd=OFFVc05IYTRoZWJrbEFMaTZCejBBQT09
Meeting ID:631 7082 9231

Please see – the flyer for the details.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Post congress workshop on online assessments jointly organized with Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), National University of Singapore will be held on 19th November 2022 as an online workshop, free for all participants. Detailed program is attached.Please kindly fill out the google form attached herewith if you wish to participate on or before 17th November 2022.

Follow – the google form for registration

Please note that you have to have a smart device to scan the QR code and a stable internet connection throughout the workshop from 8.30am to 12.30pm IST.

Please see – the flyer for the details.

Thanks and regards

Dr Chamila Dalpatadu

SAAP Annual General Meeting Notice

Date: 12th November, 2022 Time: 5.45 pm IST Venue for Hybrid meeting: BMICH- Mihilaka Medura, Colombo 7
Agenda of the AGM::Confirmation of the minutes of the AGM held in 2021Report by the Secretary-GeneralEstablishment of Prof Arif Siddiqui Memorial AwardsFinancial report by the TreasurerAppointing the new President, Secretary General, Joint Secretary and Treasurer for 2023-2024Handing over of office to the newly appointed team Any other business
ZOOM Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89950022586?pwd=eHI5RHBwQUQ3V1ByZFNIdjdRZFpoZz09
Meeting ID:667 9213 1236

2nd webinar organized by the 8th SAAP Conference Publicity Committee

Date: 3rd November, 2022 Time: 6.30 pm IST
ZOOM Link:https://learn.zoom.us/j/66792131236?pwd=bm5XMFFGTHFJUVgyZ0VUT1dsTVJ5dz09
Meeting ID:667 9213 1236

Please see – the flyer for the details.

Dear All,

I am happy to announce that the 8th SAAP Conference programme is finalized. Please find attached the final programme for your information and circulation among the entire membership of your individual societies.

Please encourage your members to register and participate in this conference. Details on how to pay the registration fee are given on the websites of SAAP and the physiological society of Sri Lanka.

Thanks and regards

Mangala Gunatilake
Secretary General/SAAP

Please download Registration Form – Foreign Participants

SAAPSouth Asian Association of Physiologists

8th Biennial Conference and 35th Anniversary Academic Sessions
of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL), 2022


Registration Form – Foreign Participants

আহবায়ক কমিটির গঠন প্রসঙ্গে

আহবায়ক কমিটির গঠন প্রসঙ্গে

Second extension of Abstract submission deadline

Dear members,

You are requested to submit abstracts to share your valuable research findings at the 8th SAAP Conference. Please register for the session. Following are the registration fees for on-site and on-line participation by internationals.

On-site participationOn-line participation
USD 200USD 50

We will together make the SAAP-8 a memorable conference.

The abstract should be submitted through the google form provided

https://forms.gle/AfZ3yzq3jahjH99F8 or Google Form

With regards.Professor Rokeya Begum
Bangladesh Society of Physiologists (BSP)

SAAP 8th biennial conference and 35th  Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka

The abstract should be submitted through the google form provided

https://forms.gle/AfZ3yzq3jahjH99F8 or Google Form

বিষয়টি অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ

আসসালামু আলাইকুম। স্বাস্থ্য অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক মহোদয় এর নির্দেশ অনুযায়ী বাংলাদেশের সকল সরকারী ও বেসরকারী Physiologist-দের চাকুরী সংক্রান্ত তথ্য হাল নাগাদ করা প্রয়োজন।

এই নিমিত্তে আগামী শনিবার, ০৮/০১/২০২২ তারিখ, সন্ধ্যা ৬ ঘটিকার মধ্যে সকল Physiologist-দের নিম্নের লিংকে তথ্য জমা দেবার জন্য জরুরী ভিত্তিতে অনুরোধ করছি।

Link to submit info (Google Form) https://forms.gle/bUNhWgTgtAmtmieu5 or Google Form

এই গ্রুপ – যে সকল physiologist যুক্ত নেই, তাদেরকে এই linkটি শেয়ার করার জন্য আপনাদেরকে অনুরোধ করছি। সকলের সুবিধার্থে এই linkটি আমাদের BSPর website এ-ও share করা হলো।

Attention for Last date & time: 08/01/2022; 06 pm. This link will be deactivated after that time.

With regards.Professor Rokeya Begum
Bangladesh Society of Physiologists (BSP)

Date: 12th December, 2021

Respected Members of the Society,

Assalamu Aaikum.

First of all , I am deeply grateful to Almighty Allah for a successful ending of 6th National Convention and Annual General Meeting

I am delighted to express my gratitude and thanks to all the members of the society to make gorgeous and successful convention and Annual General Meeting.

I am cordially acknowledged the Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) , the members of the organizing committee and sub-committees of different activities for their cooperation and laborious hard work make a grand success of the conference.

With Best wishes and regards.Professor Rokeya Begum
Bangladesh Society of Physiologists (BSP)

Respected members of BSP,

Please check and correct (if needed) your contact address within 10th November 2021.

Telephone Index 2021

With thanks & best regards.Prof. Rokeya Begum
President , BSP

Respected members of BSP,

Assalamu Aalaikum.

I am delighted to announce the 6th National Convention, Scientific Session & Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Society of Physiologists (BSP) will be held on 10th December 2021 in the auditorium of Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS),
125/1, Darussalam Road, Mirpur -1, Dhaka – 1216

For Registration please consult with
Prof. Nilufar Rahman:01818362673
Prof. Nilufa Akhter:01713414315

With thanks & best regards.Prof. Rokeya Begum
President , BSP

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